Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dec 31, 2009 - Ultrasound, Diabetes Test, then HOME!!!

Dec 31, 2009 - 29 weeks - Ultrasound, Diabetes Test, then HOME!!!
(From Jayden's CaringBridge Page)

Mom remained stable so she finished up her tests & headed out to spend a quiet New Years Eve at home.

Before she headed out she found out she had failed her 1 hour Glucose test (199), adding the diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. She will have to finger stick 4 times a day & manage her sugar levels with diet control.

29 Week Ultrasound Summary
Fetal Weight Estimate: 1,284 gm, 2 lbs, 13 oz Wt 47% for 29.0 wks.

Previously diagnosed CDH and echogenic kidneys. 
The LHR/HC is 1.8. 
Normal interval fetal growth. 
The amniotic fluid volume is within normal limits.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dec 29, 2009 - Another Scare

Dec 29, 2009 - 28 Weeks 5 Days - Another Scare

(From Jayden's CaringBridge Page)

Mom & Jayden had another scare as she started having chest pain & shortness of breath suggesting another blood clot. She was moved from maternity to Advanced Care (1 step below ICU). Tests showed the blood clot was unchanged.

Mom was also showing signs of high blood sugar (261) and was about due for a glucose tolerance test, so they decided to schedule it while she was there...

Dec 30, 2009 - Another Scare...

(Posting on Grandma's FB page)

Alicia was doing better until yesterday when she started having pain & a fast pulse again. After a repeat CT cleared her from another clot they took her up to ICU as a precaution.

As I was trying to race back to the hospital we got hit with freak snowstorm & it took 4-1/2 hrs to get the 18 miles in to Portland. Grrrrrr!

Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec 27, 2009 - Pulmonary Embolism

(Posting on Grandma's FB page)

I am asking everyone to keep Alicia & Jayden in their prayers. Alicia's currently in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).

It was small & not a total blockage so they should be able resolve it but with all the challenges she has had through this pregnancy & with the baby's upcoming CDH it was something she didn't need now. 
Jayden is doing ok, he just needs to stay put for another 8-12 wks.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dec 26, 2009 - Blood Clot Into the Lung...

Dec 26, 2009 - 28 Wks 3 days - Mom Throws a Blood Clot Into the Lung...

(From Jayden's CaringBridge Page)

The day after Christmas fear struck as Mom threw a non-occlusive left upper lobe proximal pulmonary embolus (blood clot) into her lung.

Thank goodness it wasn't a total blockage but it was enough to put her on blood thinner shots (Lovanox) 2 times a day in the belly for the rest of the pregnancy.

Although Mom was extremely uncomfortable, luckily Jayden didn't seem to care, and was not affected at all.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dec 24, 2009 - Christmas Eve 2009

Dec 24, 2009 - 28 Weeks 1 Day

Celebrating the holidays!
Alicia & Jayden & Grandma Shelly

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec 18, 2009 - We found CHERUBS!

Doing research on CDH was scary, but thank goodness we found our new CDH family through CHERUBS!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 22, 2009 - Mid-November Update

(From Grandma's Facebook Page)

Alicia is hanging in there. Her morning sickness has eased a little. We are going to the hospital this week where she will deliver to meet the staff & hopefully get a tour of the NICU where the baby will go when he is born to stabilize before he has surgery.

Alicia's heart consult went well with no change in her heart since the beginning of the pregnancy so that’s good.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 9, 2009 - Confirmation of the CDH...

     21 week Ultrasound - Confirmation of the CDH...

From the doctor's summary:

Estimated fetal weight of 857gm...

Diaphragmatic hernia with the fetal stomach in the left thorax and subsequent rightward displacement of heart to right chest wall. 

Fetal cardiac evaluation revealed anatomically normal appearing heart, holosystolic TR, abnormal right pulmonary artery blood flow pattern. 

There is reversed diastolic flow through the right pulmonary artery, which is concerning for pulmonary under-development. 

No evidence of liver within the thorax.

Normal four chamber view of heart. 

Multiple cysts measuring up to 3mm within the kidneys. 
The kidneys themselves are increased in echogenicity. 

Possible rocker bottom feet.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Oct 17, 2009 - Request for Prayers...

(From Grandma's Facebook Page)

Please keep our family in your prayers as it has been a tough week. 
Alicia found out Wed her baby boy due in March has a medical condition that will require a surgical correction shortly after birth and today we got phone calls letting us know that Alicia's grandma on her late father's side passed away on Thursday of complications of asthma, emphysema, heart disease & diabetes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oct 14, 2009 - Jayden's CDH Awareness Day

Oct 14, 2009 - 17 weeks - Jayden's CDH Awareness Day

Everything turned upside down as a new ultrasound suggested Jayden had a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), a congenital birth defect of the diaphragm. 

Survival rates average about 50%. It was at that point we found out that his defect looked bad enough that they thought he might need a type of heart-lung bypass machine called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) & that our regular facility did not have it available so she would have to deliver at a neighboring facility. 

The good news was that his heart was structurally sound although squished a bit & the liver was not in the chest. Either or both of those problems would have reduced his survival chances further. We started learning about it & were scared to death for what it might mean for Jayden...

From the doctor's summary: Fetal Weight Estimate: 216 gm.

Diaphragmatic hernia: The heart is deviated to the right & the fetal stomach is within the left chest. In addition, a small amount of small bowel is also seen in the chest. No definitive liver involvement.

Possible renal cystic dysplasia. Several small cysts were seen within the renal parenchyma. Normal bladder and amniotic fluid noted.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept 1, 2009 - Nuchal Translucency Screening

(From Jayden's CaringBridge Page)

Sept 1, 2009 - 11 Weeks - Nuchal Translucency Screening

In September at 11 weeks Alicia had a routine ultrasound with a nuchal translucency screening that showed suspicious findings suggesting abnormalities.

A chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test showing no devastating abnormalities. It also told us she was carrying a baby boy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aug 5, 2009 - 7 Wks - First Scare & First Ultrasound

At 7 weeks, mom had signs of a threatened miscarriage. Luckily it was just a scare. Since her potassium was low, it may have been a reaction to that.

We did manage to get Jayden's first picture!

In looking back we wonder... was this our first glance at the CDH? Detecting CDH before the 2nd semester is practically unheard of. When the first ultrasound tech was looking at the scan, he stated he thought he saw a problem, only to have a more senior tech come in and dismiss it saying it was too early to see a problem with the fetus.

There is a large open spot right in the middle, and in what seems to be mid-torso what might be a somewhat hollow spot as well... what did this mean? Did it mean anything? Questions with no answers....

Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009 - First Visit to High Risk OB

At first it looked like mom was going to have a routine pregnancy but that all changed as Mom Alicia's headaches started getting out of control & she went into severe morning sickness causing her loose weight & make eating a literal chore (it kept up almost the entire pregnancy). 

In addition, the doctors realized she had a slightly enlarged aorta and weren't sure how it & a connective tissue disorder (now known to be Marfan syndrome) that causes joint & back problems would affect the pregnancy. That would mean extra monitoring. 

She was referred to the high risk OB clinic but little did we know that was only the tip of the iceberg...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 21, 2009 - Jayden Was Conceived

Baby Jayden's story began when mom Alicia found out she was pregnant in July of 2009.

Jayden's mom & dad had been dating off & on for several years but split up just before mom found out she was expecting. They were not able to resolve their issues & dad went a new direction with his life.