Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nov 22, 2009 - Mid-November Update

(From Grandma's Facebook Page)

Alicia is hanging in there. Her morning sickness has eased a little. We are going to the hospital this week where she will deliver to meet the staff & hopefully get a tour of the NICU where the baby will go when he is born to stabilize before he has surgery.

Alicia's heart consult went well with no change in her heart since the beginning of the pregnancy so that’s good.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Nov 9, 2009 - Confirmation of the CDH...

     21 week Ultrasound - Confirmation of the CDH...

From the doctor's summary:

Estimated fetal weight of 857gm...

Diaphragmatic hernia with the fetal stomach in the left thorax and subsequent rightward displacement of heart to right chest wall. 

Fetal cardiac evaluation revealed anatomically normal appearing heart, holosystolic TR, abnormal right pulmonary artery blood flow pattern. 

There is reversed diastolic flow through the right pulmonary artery, which is concerning for pulmonary under-development. 

No evidence of liver within the thorax.

Normal four chamber view of heart. 

Multiple cysts measuring up to 3mm within the kidneys. 
The kidneys themselves are increased in echogenicity. 

Possible rocker bottom feet.