August 19th holds a very important significance to Alicia & I, as it has been a milestone day for us.
On August 19, 2010, Jayden would have been exactly 6 months old...
In 2011, 1-1/2 years, in 2012, 2-1/2 years.
And on August 19th, 2013, he would have been 3-1/2... :'(
Alicia lost her son. I lost a grandson. It is the reality we must live with for the rest of our days.
The pain is less sharp as time goes on, but we will always carry it with us. Jayden is no longer here. Nothing we can do will change that.
We have found that reaching out to other grieving families lets us know we are not alone, and lets them know they are not alone.
We can understand each other in ways others who have not been down this road can.
We have reached out to others, and they have responded. We have paid his love forward & gotten so much in return. It will never fill the empty hole left in our hearts by his absence, but hopefully his spirit will live on through us & through them and in doing so, let others just starting this journey know, there is hope.
Join us & others around the world next week as we stand together for the "Day of Hope". #august19thdayofhope