Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5, 2010 - 2 Weeks Old!

(From CaringBridge Page)
Friday, March 5, 2010 10:55 pm - Jayden is 2 Weeks Old!

Jayden had a pretty bumpy day with his numbers all over the place. It was kind of a mixed bag all day with blood pressure, oxygen levels & temperatures up & down (no infection) but his CO2 levels were fairly good. The nurses were frequently adjusting his rates as he seemed to have a hard time finding a happy middle. He was also very fussy & pulling at tubes & wires but had quieted down by the time we all had to leave at shift exchange so that was good. Hopefully he will have a quiet night.

When we asked the doctors & nurses if this was typical they all agreed there is no typical with CDH babies as each baby's course is unique. Not sure if that is reassuring or not. As much as we want him to be ready for surgery soon we want him to get as strong as he can before he goes in so we pray & wait.

Alicia was up visiting for 1/2 the afternoon and Grandma & Step-Grandpa were up in the early evening until shift exchange when they boot all the families out. After we left all three of us had a nice dinner out for the evening.

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